The Flying Booger
The thought of flight has always fascinated me. To be up amongst the clouds, where the birds soar, with nothing below your feet but 1,000's of feet of air.
As a kid growing up near Clearwater Beach in the late '80's, I have somewhat foggy memories of seeing these guys with parachutes and backpack engines flying overhead. I never thought anything of it at the time, but thought it was really cool.
Fast forward to my 33rd birthday, and a close friend and I go hang gliding for the first time. I fell in love. I bought a package and started taking lessons. As with a lot of people's hopes and dreams, life happened, and it fell off.
Fast forward a few years, while on my way up to my dad's Brooksville, FL property, I saw a guy take off from a field with a parachute and a backpack engine. I thought "WTF is that!?" Later that day I started remembering seeing those guys at the beach back when I was little. When I got home, I did some research and found out that they are called Paramotors, and the sport is called Powered Paragliding or Paramotoring. I found some youtubers in the sport and started doing more and more research on how to get into flying one of these contraptions.
Fast forward one more time to 2020, the world is experiencing a pandemic and closed up shop. So, I stayed home, stocked up on PTO days, and saved a bunch of money. As luck (and the pandemic) would have it, there was availability in November at the best Paramotor school based on my research, Aviator PPG. (I still feel that way, btw.) I wrote about my experience as you'll see in the first post on this page. I also started a YouTube channel, hence "The Flying Booger" moniker, to document my flying progress. Be sure to check me out there too!
On this page, I plan to share my thoughts and experiences primarily revolving around my Paramotor flying, or as my wife calls it my "Butt Fan", as well as other adventures I go on with friends, family, and "flying" solo.